Prevention of colitis and gastritis

Prevention of colitis and gastritis feeding in people suffering from any of these pathologies or both at the same time, should be based on an irritating feed, high in prebiotics and probiotics and good food schedules, this in order to prevent the mucosa stomach and intestinal is still affected and reversing the damage caused.
Nutriological benefits
There are certain foods that manage to damage the stomach and intestine, some are very remarkable and other foods are not credible to harm, it also depends on the person and their eating habits.
Decrease the inconvenience at the moment with countertany food
Decrease occasions in which the tables of gastritis or colitis appear.
Increase and improve stomach and intestine defense barriers.
Locate harmful food.
How do we help you relieve and control colitis and gastritis?

Program your appointment
Program your appointment with a nutrition specialist.
Register and schedule Appointment

We evaluate and discover your eating habits, sufferings, real ailments and that is what is causing colitis or gastritis

Actual state
We show you your current nutritional status to determine how much fat, muscle and lean mass you have, so be able to make an adequate food plan to your needs.

Food plan
We create a personalized food plan according to your tastes, needs and demands.
This and more information about the control, prevention and relief of colitis or gastritis will find on our platform created exclusively for our subscribers.
Situational gastritis
What is it and why is it generated?
Generally, the treatment of gastritis includes antacids and other medications that help reduce heartburn, relieve symptoms and stimulate the healing of the stomach lining, at, our nutritionists make changes in the diet promoting foods, drinks and changing habits that quickly build up the stomach lining.
Do you suffer from situational gastritis?
At we identify situational gastritis that can be controlled, overcome and cured with an adequate diet. This video covers the important points to do it and explains what situational gastritis is.