Nutrition in pregnancy

Your diet in pregnancy must meet your energy and nutrient requirements, promoting the proper development and growth of the baby. The requirements of your diet are not the same before pregnancy, after, or in each week of pregnancy and not all women need the same.
Nutritional benefits
At this very important stage of your life, it is necessary that you have the energy and nutrients necessary for the success of the pregnancy and the good growth and development of your baby, giving your baby a good diet from the beginning of his life, is vital to your success and good mental and physical development.
What other benefits does nutrition bring during pregnancy?
Regain or maintain your pre-pregnancy weight.
Prevention of diseases in you and your baby such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension.
Know how to start feeding your baby after breastfeeding.
Avoid mineral and vitamin deficiencies as well as energy deficiencies.
Avoid discomforts such as nausea or vomiting.
How do we help you in the pregnancy process?

Schedule your appointment
Make your appointment with a specialist in pregnancy nutrition.
Register and schedule appointment

We evaluate and discover your eating habits, physical activity and requirements for the good development of the baby.

Actual state
We show you your current nutritional status to determine how much fat, muscle and lean mass you have, so that you can make a food plan appropriate to your needs and that of your baby.

Eating plan
We create a personalized food plan according to the tastes and demands of both.
This and more information about nutrition in pregnancy
You will find on our platform created exclusively for our subscribers.
Feeding in the first trimester of pregnancy
How should the diet be during the first trimester of pregnancy? If you are pregnant, we explain how your diet should be during this period and how to deal with possible nausea and vomiting.
Feeding in the second trimester of pregnancy
What diet is adequate during the second trimester of pregnancy? The Alimmenta nutritionist, specialist in child nutrition and pregnancy, explains to you what foods should be included in the pregnant woman’s diet during the second trimester of pregnancy.
Diet for pregnancy
During pregnancy women have specific nutritional needs