Cholesterol and triglycerides

The diet for a person who has high levels of cholesterol in the blood should be restricted in saturated fats found in foods of animal origin such as sausages, dairy products, pork rinds, butter, among others

Cholesterol and triglycerides

Nutritionist for cholesterol and triglycerides

The diet for a person who has high levels of cholesterol in the blood should be restricted in saturated fats found in foods of animal origin such as sausages, dairy products, pork rinds, butter, among others. A person with high triglycerides in the blood should watch their consumption of simple sugars from sweets, juices, smoothies, fruits and desserts.

Nutritional benefits

We will give you an eating plan so that cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood are modified while providing the necessary nutrients to your body. You will feel more vital, energetic and less tired.

Decreased cardiovascular risk

Balanced diet

Energy for your daily activities

How do we help you control cholesterol and triglycerides?


Schedule your appointment

Schedule your appointment with a nutritionist.
Register and schedule appointment



We evaluate and discover your eating habits, ailments, real ailments and what is causing the increase in cholesterol and triglycerides


Actual state

We show you your current nutritional status to determine how much fat, muscle and lean mass you have, so that you can make an appropriate meal plan for your needs.


Eating plan

We create a personalized food plan according to your tastes, needs and demands.

This and more information on the control and prevention of cholesterol and triglycerides
You will find on our platform created exclusively for our subscribers.

The functions of cholesterol

What is it and why is it generated?

Is cholesterol bad?

The objective of this video is for patients to find the definition of cholesterol, its functions in the body as well as the importance of having adequate levels of it in the bloodstream.

The functions of cholesterol. Level 1

This video breaks myths about cholesterol, tells us about where our body gets it and the different functions of this in our body. Cholesterol has very important functions in our body, this video shows us.

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