Nutritionist Online
and face-to-face
Nutritional consultations and diet design
easy, formal and safe.
National service throughout the Mexican Republic
and international all over the world!
"Improve your lifestyle every 15 days"
Eat a healthy diet
The main physical and emotional ailments that we correct: Lose weight and reduce your body fat without drugs or pills, only with your diet and the scientific method. "It is infallible" Lose weight, decrease fat and live light
The main physical and emotional ailments that we correct:
Go back to being you, fill yourself with energy as you did before, we tell you what you do well and we agree with you how to improve. You will know exactly what to eat in every important moment of your life. Healthy eating restores 100% of your health and well-being. Do you need to stand out in your environment and keep moving constantly with all the energy possible? It does not matter if you are a graduate, engineer, accountant, doctor, housewife, student, teacher, secretary, etc. Our nutritionists consider your lifestyle to develop an eating plan without drugs or pills to increase your energy and keep moving forward. Reach your maximum sports performance and maintain an adequate state of health. We know that athletes need to be in constant movement towards their goals, our nutritionists are aware of your specific nutritional requirements depending on your particular situation and the type of sports activity you do.Increase your energy and improve performance
Sports nutrition, gym and competition
Live light and get the best of you back
The hustle and bustle of daily life leads us to fulfill commitments with everyone except ourselves and that is the beginning of the bad decisions that generate guilt. Rectifying the path, to feel better, can put us in doubt because you always give everything, but now is the time to return to you and show you that you love yourself. Eating well can be very practical and much cheaper, it restores your confidence and joy. But you need an infallible diet that is designed for your moments, for your emotions and for those moments where you have decided to achieve the next goals. A person is more likely to have diabetes if they are not physically active and are overweight or obese. Some of the most common symptoms of this disease are fatigue, increased thirst and the urge to urinate, increased appetite, blurred vision, and weight loss for no apparent reason. With a healthy diet take control of blood glucose levels to improve your quality of life During and after pregnancy, women tend to gain weight, neglect their figure and eating habits, if you are pregnant and want to take care of your weight as well as ensure the well-being of your baby, you need a personalized diet. It all starts when you forget about yourself
Bad diet vs good diet
Diabetes control
Nutrition in pregnancy
Easy, practical and accessible diet. You can lose 1 to 3 kilos per week or correct your diet to improve your health.
Get back to paying attention to you.
"You are the most important" 55 4781 2183

Weight reduction
Lose weight, learn to eat and strengthen your immune system safely. Improve every 15 days to see and feel as you want. We will ask you how fast you want to go down, and we will tell you what is safe for you. Thus, you will take 3 diets or the ones you need for each day of the week, without calculations or complications, we will tell you exactly what to eat even desserts.

Diabetes control
The basis of the diabetic diet focuses on a healthy eating plan and a guide that will tell you what foods to eat, in what quantity and at what times, in order to maintain adequate blood glucose levels. If you must lose or maintain weight, this can help. We will ensure that there is a balance between food and medicine, as well as exercise to control diabetes to return to a normal and healthy life.

Colitis y gastritis
The diet in people who suffer from any of these pathologies or both at the same time, should be based on a diet without irritants, high in prebiotics and probiotics and good feeding times, this in order to prevent the stomach and intestinal mucosa from being followed seeing affected and thus reverse the damage caused.

Fear of getting sick
Your food is your medicine. Breathe, you are in time to correct your course! Today is a good time to regain your health and eat a healthy diet. Your lifestyle is decisive for any disease to express itself or make you uncomfortable, but if you eat a good diet based on balance, your health returns and becomes stronger. Come, we show you how! Strengthen your immune system right now.

Improve performance
The general performance of a person improves with exercise and enough rest, however the basis of this improvement is the diet, this must be balanced, varied, optimal, with enough energy, providing the appropriate nutrients, in order to have energy all the day and thus avoid fatigue. That is why having an optimal diet will help you have energy and better results in your activities.

Polycystic ovary
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition present in women in the reproductive stage. It causes an excess of androgens that sometimes causes excess facial hair, insulin resistance or menstrual irregularity. We are going to help you! With a healthy diet focused on fighting PCOS you will feel more attractive, you will like it and if you plan it you will be able to program a baby. May your security return and you will be able to lose weight to feel calm, with certainty in not developing related diseases. May your joy return!

Cholesterol and triglycerides
Download them in 20 days. The diet for a person who has high blood cholesterol levels should be restricted in saturated fats found in foods of animal origin such as sausages, dairy products, pork rinds, butter, among others. A person with high triglycerides in the blood should watch their consumption of simple sugars from sweets, juices, smoothies, fruits and desserts. Here we will tell you what you have done well and what you can improve to immediately lower the levels.

Hypothyroidism is a disorder in which the thyroid gland does not make enough of certain hormones. The diet must be careful and focused on not disturbing the thyroid and on delivering adequate food to the body. A healthy diet helps you lose weight, reduce inflammation and even reverse some damage.
Our services

Schedule your appointment
Call us and we will schedule your appointment on the date and time you want.
55 4781 2183
Your appointment
Your nutritionist will be waiting for you to start discovering your current nutritional status and your eating habits in order to develop your new eating plan, your healthy diet.
Gana get results
Improve every 15 days, health, well-being, weight and a figure at ease! Learn to eat, "eat a healthy diet" ヽ(´▽`)/ . (>‿◠)

Schedule your appointment
Make your payment directly from our platform and schedule your appointment with your online nutritionist 55 4781 2183 Call us we will help you.
Call or video call
you choose, talk to your nutritionist. Ask everything you need, learn, correct and develop your new lifestyle.
Sign up
You can start the change that improves your life every 15 days today. Sign up, make an appointment and start the transformation to look and feel good

Discounts up to 20%
With the agreement, all your collaborators get up to 20% discount on all their inquiries
Honorable mention for your company
In all the platform of your collaborators we emphasize the successful agreement that we have with you.
Group Results Report
Every month we will send you the group results that your collaborators are having, healthy and happy workers give productive companies.
(weight-to-height ratio as an index to determine weight, obesity, underweight or healthy weight)
Diet in photos
Everything you need for an easy diet. List of foods, ingredients and recipes pdf, audio and video.
Healthy, balanced, easy and safe diet.

Remember that with your subscription to our
service you get more than your diet!
Face-to-face service
In-person consultation at the Xola CDMX office
Students with valid ID, $ 400 face-to-face and $250 online
Payment methods we accept
Expert nutritionists
Contact our service specialists
Eat a healthy diet